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Club de Kendo UPCArticles posted by webmaster (Page 2)

Open doors day September 2018

Next September 26th we will have an open doors day at the club. We'll be waiting for everybody who is interested in knowing kendo and try it first hand. You just need to show up at the right time, with comfortable sports clothes and we will provide...


Catalonia kendo championship 2018

This year's Catalonia kendo championship is coming! The event will take place next october 7th, from 7.30 AM to 2 PM, at Llars Mundet complex. There will be team and individual competitions, and as every year, our representatives will be there to give it all and enjoy...


Kachinuki UPC 2018

Last saturday june 30th we had our traditional Kachinuki UPC. The kachinuki was very well organized and we had a perfect time planning. We were 14 participants and performed combats with a 4 minute time limit. Congratulations to all the UPC kenshis that took part, especially to...


Kata competition – Special training session

Dear UPC kenshi Next june 16th and 17th we will have the pleasure to receive in Barcelona Saito Sensei and Kobayashi Sensei, both 7th dan. Following this link you will find some interesting documents that Saito sensei has prepared for the event, all the participants should read...
